Music Data Glossary
86 definitions and explanations for all terms music & data.
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Talent scouting and overseeing artistic development of recording artists and songwriters.
When a recording is played (over the air) on a radio station.
A set or collection of recordings issued as a single item.
The number of unique listeners in a fifteen minute period that are listening for more than 5 minutes. This term is used in relation to Radio (i.e. Airplay).
The process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modelling in order to draw conclusions about the data and gain meaningful, actionable insights.
A person who performs, records, and releases music. After creating their recording, this person gets a sound recording copyright (i.e. ℗).
The country that an artist feels like they represent the most. This can be where an artist was born, where they are from, where they are currently based, etc.
An algorithmically generated list of music based on an artist.